Thursday, September 23, 2010

Permission Slip for Lock-In 2010

Student Government Lock-In

Friday, September 24, 2010

Parental/Guardian Permission Slip

Student Government Lock-in

Friday, September 23rd 2010

We/I understand that my son/daughter(s) will be involved with a Student Government Sponsored “Lock-In” at Harwood Union High School on September 21, 2010.

The purpose of the “Lock-In” is to support the development of a strong student government organization to empower students to take an active role in the positive change taking place at Harwood. The “Lock-In” is scheduled to begin on Friday at 5:00 p.m. and will end on Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. Students will be provided with dinner, snacks and breakfast. They should bring sleeping bags and whatever they need to make it through the night! The contact number for this event will be 882-1142. This event should be a great and fun opportunity for students to build a strong team that will have a positive impact here at school.

The evening will be chaperoned by Duane Pierson (Principal), Ellen Berrings (Next Step educator).

Please contact Duane Pierson (882-1142) for more information.

Permission Forms must be signed and turned in prior to attending this event!

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) signature



Meeting Notes 9/23


DEPT HEAD: Emily Hewitt.

The Budget needs to be decreased.
Homecoming: October 22-23
The middle school is annoyed by the announcements during the day.

Erin- Photographer


5:00 pm - Arrive
5:15 - 6:30 Brainstorm committees for this year as a group-form and assign people to committees.
6:30-7:15 - Dinner
7:15- 9:00 Break up into committees and make action plans then come back together and combine them to make a student gov. action plan for the year.
9:00 and on: FUN


7:00-7:30 WAKE UP
7:30- 8:15 breakfast
8:15- 9:00 CLEAN UP.

The Chaperone's
maybe Ellen or Ms Shea.


Laurel and Rachel

See you all FRIDAY :)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Meeting 4.8.10

  • Update from last week
  • May 12th (1/2 day) we will have an end of the year meeting (Possibly retreat and field trip from school?) Maybe we should invite middle school student governments?
  • Race to top of Vermont- (currently tier 2) (if we lower into tier one there are serious consequences and these are based on NECAP scores)
We need to educate the student body on how important NECAP scores are and try to increase the efforts students put into them

H-1 forms

Senior TA in cafeteria 5 in favor 1 opposed 9 abstain
Student Involvement in hiring process 10 in favor 0 opposed and 9 abstain

We will start having every other meeting dedicated to committee time!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

WANTED: new members

On May 12th, a 1/2 day, Student Government will be meeting from 12:30 - 3
We would love new members who are interested in being on student government next year.

At this meeting we will...
Make elections for next year's officers
Welcome new members
talk about the year in review
have food and music
set goals for next year
organize step up day table ( to recruit new members)


Agenda 4/1

announcements and additions

Department head
school board

Discussed h-1 forms regarding student voice on hiring committees and senior TA's in the cafeteria

addressed suggestion regarding too high priced food for the protion
-Dakota will talk to chef Paul and we should raise awareness on the quality of the Harwood food

Money for Student gov.
-How much money did we use at lock in?
-How much did we make on flower sales?
-We might need a treasurer!

COMMITTEES ( we need to actually do these!)

On May 12th 1/2 day meeting from 12:30 - 3
at this meeting we will do-
elections for next year
open it to new members (make announcements)
talk about year in review
have food and music
set goals for next year
organize step up day table

Monday, March 15, 2010

New H-1 Forms

We have new H-1 forms
  • Senior TA's in the cafeteria
  • Student voice in the hiring process
  • H Term - A term in January for one focused in-depth learning topic, (this would include internship, job shadows, and in-depth research)
For more information see the student government board at school or any of the student government members. You can also comment below with your input on the h-1 forms.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thank You Painted Tulip

The Harwood Union High School Student Government would like to sincerely thank Nicole D'Agata and the Painted Tulip for generously providing us with carnations. Our Valentine's Day Flower sale wouldn't have been possible without the donation of the Painted Tulip's beautiful vibrant flowers. The students at Harwood all agreed that her carnations took on a whole new beauty. Thank you so much.

-- The Harwood Student Government

Silent Auction to Benefit Haiti

Harwood's students are putting on a silent auction for Haiti Relief and student poetry slam as entertainment. The event will be Thursday, March 11 at 6:30 pm at Harwood Union High School. Items for the auction have been donated by various businesses in both Waterbury and the Valley. Students will be competing in the poetry slam in the cafe as the silent auction takes place in the cafeteria. All proceeds from the auction will go to the American Red Cross for their relief efforts in Haiti. Everybody is welcome! See Addy for more Details

Blood drive-March 11th

American Red Cross Celebrates "Red Cross Month" in March
To honor Red Cross Month, the public is encouraged to donate its time, money, blood

March, 2010 - During Red Cross Month, all year long, the American Red Cross is present in communities across the United States to provide relief to disaster victims and to ensure a safe and sufficient blood supply for patients and hospitals. The American Red Cross holds blood drives seven days a week across Northern New England so that blood is always available for patients in need.

Area residents and visitors alike are encouraged to give blood on Thursday, March 11th at Harwood Union High School Gym in Moretown, VT. Donor hours are 10:30 am - 4 pm and anyone who is at least 17 years old and weighs at least 110 lbs. may be eligible to donate.

For the Month of March, All presenting donors will be automatically entered to win a pair of hockey tickets to see the Boston Bruins vs. Carolina Hurricanes at TD Garden in Boston on Sat., April 10th (Includes overnight accommodations and gas card and tickets non-transferrable/not redeemable for cash).

The American Red Cross holds blood drives in communities seven days a week. Please call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE or to find a blood drive near you and schedule and appointment to donate during Red Cross month. It's a pint of blood for you, but for another it could be a life saved.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Cafe Information

Tell us what you think of the Cafe right HERE! (please comment below with all of your suggestions!)

Agenda 2/18/2010

  • March 11th
  • PUBLICITY!-(Send out press releases)

Need Cafe information

  • Interview people at lunches in the cafe


  • Earned $130.84 from the flower sales
  • need to send in a letter to the editor as a thank you note
  • Need more $$

School Board Update

  • Thanks Dakota

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Agenda 2/11/2012

Make new e-mail list (comment below if you are still not getting the e-mails)
Submit H-1 form for parking lot
Update on Student Government blog
Update from Naomi on Dept. Head
  • Possible middle school combination
  • In service day march 19th
Need more reps for school board and dept head!

Blood drive!
March 11th
elected chair heads

Monday, February 8, 2010

Link to Harwood Website

For more information pertaining to Harwood go to

Thursday, February 4, 2010

See the current change process proposals now!

You can see what is going on in the change process at Harwood right now and check the status of the H1 forms you and others have submitted.

For more information on the change process please click here

H2 Form

Here is The second form in the Harwood change process.
(See Decision Making Process at Harwood for more info)

Harwood Union Middle/High School • Action-Plan Proposal H-2

Title of Proposed Action-Plan:

Date of submission:

Name of Champions:

Email/Phone of champions:

Other group members:

Describe in one sentence the goal of the proposed change.

What evidence demonstrates that this change is necessary and will be effective if implemented?

How will be affected by this action plan and how?

What training will be needed for students, staff, or administration to carry out this proposed action plan?

Activity to meet goal- be very specific / People responsible / Cost / Funding Source / Deadline






Total Cost:

Involves policy, budget, personnel changes, or curriculum? Yes or No.

Approval by Student Government

Name Signature Date

Approval by Department Heads

Name Signature Date

H1 Form

Here is the form to start the change process. (see Decision Making at Harwood for more info)

Harwood Union Middle/High School

Proposal for Change H-1

Title of Proposed Change: _______________________________________________________

Name of Champion(s) – no more than two: _________________________________________

Date of Submission: _______ Email/Phone of Champion(s): ____________________

Other Group Members: _________________________________________________________

Please write in complete sentences in response to the following areas.

Write a description of the proposed change.______________________________________________

Why is this change necessary and important?





Who will benefit from this change and how? _______________________________________________________________




What’s wrong with the way things are right now?





What is the timeframe for the change? What needs to get done by when?

Task Proposed Deadline




Who needs to be involved in the change in order for it to be successful?



Estimate how much the change will cost:

Item Cost




Total Estimated Cost:

Please submit this form to Duane Pierson, Lisa Atwood, Dorinne Dorfman, Michael Woods, or Sue Duprat.

You can also download it from the Harwood Website.

Decision Making Process

H1 forms is a great way to start change you want to see in the school and anyone can do it! For information on this process you can read below. The image to the right is a flow chart of the change process at Harwood.

Decision-Making Process at Harwood Union High School

On February 4, 2009, the Harwood School Board approved a very important proposal: Harwood's Decision-Making Process. Principal Duane Pierson distributed drafts of this idea to numerous student, staff, and community groups since August, collecting feedback and revising charts to achieve a very difficult, delicate, democratic balance: involving many people in decision-making while holding school administration accountable for those decisions. After seven months, Harwood can now act on suggestions from anyone in the Harwood community. Here's how it works:

Step 1: Someone completes the H-1 Proposal form to explain the idea in detail. This must include a champion, the person who will ultimately be responsible for carrying out the plan if approved.

Step 2: This form is submitted to any Harwood administrator. The Administrative Team reviews the proposal to ensure that it does not violate state law or contradict the school mission statement. Next the proposal moves to the Department Heads and Student Government. With a simple majority of 51%, the proposal moves into the H-2 phase of action planning.

Step 3: The champion assembles a team to fully research and develop the proposal; this team may be an existing group, such as Natural Leaders, or can be assembled for this purpose only. Together they complete the H-2 Action-Plan and submit it to the Admin Team for approval. If the decision involves budget, personnel, policy, or curriculum, a Harwood School Board vote is required.

Step 4: The proposal becomes a new school policy, procedure, strategic goal, or improvement plan and is carried out by those responsible for its implementation. This innovation must be communicated to the school community, evaluated for effectiveness, and refined for improvement.

Overseeing the decision-making process is the Highlander Council, consisting of 2 students, 1 staff member, 1 administrator, 1 school board member, and 1 parent. They ensure that applicable decisions are made school-wide following this structure and suggest ways of improved communication, implementation, and evaluation. Still in the development phase, membership of the HC and the meeting schedule are forthcoming.

Now with School Board approval, students, staff, and community members can advance their ideas through this decision-making process. Look on Harwood's website in the next few days to access the H-1 and H-2 forms and make a difference in our school. All completed forms will be posted on the website so that proposals can be easily tracked. For more information, see your Department Head or Student Government representative, or speak to any administrator.

You can see current proposals here
You can get the H1 form here
You can get the H2 form here

Student Government Agenda

I. Introduction

II.Student Voice (communication)
-Introduce Dorinne Dorfman (who will now be attending Student Government)
-Department Head~ Naomi
-Forming GLS alliance

III. Commitees
address the vandalism of the cafe space!
-communication committee
create a blog
-Entertainment/Fund raising
Information on flower sale/money to buy them

Suggestions- 2 about Junior parking situation
Submit a H1 form for next meeting

Student Government Email

Send your suggestion, comments, and ideas to